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Showing posts from February, 2011

Recent Health News Tidbits: Strokes, Vitamins, Obesity, Acupuncture, Flat Feet to Fiber Diets

Bodyweight supported treadmill for stroke patient Credits: Stroke Rehabilitation : Any type of stroke therapy is effective even as late as 6 months. It did not matter how expensive the rehab equipment was either. NIH official link Vitamin D : In the winter, pre-teen girls need more vitamin D in a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommending 750 IU more than the IOC guideline of 600 IUs. Vitamin D & MS : Neurology journal, studied people from different regions looking at the latitude levels. They found that people with the same age and gender had less occurrences of multiple sclerosis in the sun-belt regions like Australia. Marijuana : Smoking pot increases likihood of mental illness according to a study at the University of New South Wales. Obesity & heart disease : A study published in the Lancet journal with the World Health Organization says that the obesity epidemic with a coming heart disease tsunami is no longer ...

Ankle Sprains More Detrimental to Male Athletes

Rugby Ankle Sprain Image: Paul Gooddy / According to The American Journal of Sports Medicine , male athletes were three times more likely to have a medial (inner) ankle sprain and even high ankle sprains (syndesmotic ankle sprains). These ankle sprains are not as common as the lateral (outer) ankle sprains. High ankle sprains are also often misdiagnosed. The high ankle sprain can also be unstable when more ligaments are involved requiring surgery. This tidbit from the AJOSM is important with the prevention of injuries because high ankle sprains may result in significant recovery time and long-term disability. Here is Wikipedia's article about the different ankle sprains . Eighty percent of the high sprains that occurred happened during athletics, as did 64 percent of the inner sprains. High-contact, high-impact sports accounted for most injuries, with top offenders for high sprains in men being sprint football, men's team handball, soccer, and basket...

Chiropractic Proven to Help Acute Back Pain Patients, Debunks 2007 Study

Image: renjith krishnan / As a chiropractor, I am happy to find research from non-chiropractors that supports results that I see and I am sure many other chiropractors see in their practices. Back pain can be complex and very individualized. I like to start by trying to find the primary cause of their pain whether it is joint pain, muscle pain or nerve pain. Non-arthritic joint pain (pain from a misaligned bone, dynamic joint motion restriction or subluxation) and muscle pain are directly related so I focus more on the chiropractic adjustment or muscle pain with Graston Technique or massage depending on the primary source of pain. What others label "nerve pain" can be sclerotogenous (nociceptive) pain like a trigger point, pain from cancer or typical arthritic pain while dermatomal pain is pain resulting from a disc herniation or an arthritic foraminal nerve compression. "Nerve pain" is therefore more complicated and can m...

ChiroMatrix Produces "The Neuro Highway" Video

Using some of the same 3D technology used in movies such as "Iron Man" or "Avatar" with the Autodesk Maya technology, ChiroMatrix uses this technology to produce on a very professional introductory video about the vertebral subluxation complex and reasons for chiropractic care. The traditional chiropractic view is a "pinched nerve" from a subluxation can not only result in pain but also other health problems. My views may be slightly different but it is still an interesting and informative video to watch. ChiroMatrix provides a service for chiropractic websites full of many features from built in blogs, online shopping stores, wellness newsletters, eCards, etc. Here is an example of their 3D Spine Simulator . I use ChiroMatrix's services so forgive this commercial-like posting but I wanted a reason for you to see the "Neural Highway" video. Link to ChiroMatrix's "The Neural Highway" ChiroWorks Care Center Anthony Tsai, D.C....

The First Chiropractic Patient in 1895

On February 10, 1895, the Minnesota Chiropractic Association honors Harvey Lillard, the first patient to receive chiropractic, in relation to Black History Month. D.D. Palmer is the father of Chiropractic and his son BJ Palmer made Chiropractic what it is today. According to history, Harvey's hearing was restored. To be honest, I have to question this because I can't think of any nerves in the neck that go to the ear. Maybe it was a blocked eustachian tube? ChiroWorks Care Center Anthony Tsai, D.C. Chiropractor in San Jose, CA Graston Technique Certified FAKTR-PM Completed Disclaimer: The content in this blog is for informational purposes only and an opinion for specific individualized circumstances.  It is not a prescription for therapy or diagnosis for you . All opinions expressed in these articles are solely those of the particular author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Anthony Tsai, Graston Technique®, its employees, p...

Low Back (Lumbar Spine) Arthritis & Family Genetics

In this month's Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery article titled "Evidence for an Inherited Predisposition to Lumbar Disc Disease" , the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of Utah School of Medicine examined the Utah Population Database to study over a million with lumbar disc herniations and disc disease. They looked for twin sibling studies and genetic markers to determine family clustering of these diagnoses. The study concluded that there was a strong correlation with near and distant relatives with lumbar disc diseases. No one study gives a patient the whole answer to their problems. It just gives a piece in the puzzle to the problem. By building these pieces for a solid and proven foundation, this information is another step for the answer many are waiting for like a possible genetic flaw in the protein of the annular fibers surrounding the nucleus puplosus. Lastly, I included an image of different spinal curvatures (lumbar lordosis) to show how alignment...

Jack LaLanne's Legacy with Chiropractic

Credits: On January 23, 2011 at the age of 96, Jack LaLanne, the godfather of fitness, passed away due to pneumonia. With world records, a TV show, many honors and products such as the Glamour Stretcher and Power Juicer, Jack was also a champion of Chiropractic with his daughter Yvonne, a chiropractor in the SF Bay area, California. Jack has recently been involved with Southern California University of Health Sciences and their yearly Extravaganza symposium in 2008. Jack LaLanne's strong philosophy in health, fitness and nutrition are also strong principles with many chiropractors and his legacy will continue to be felt after he is gone. With respect to Jack LaLanne and his family Credits: ChiroWorks Care Center Anthony Tsai, D.C. Chiropractor in San Jose, CA Graston Technique Certified FAKTR-PM Completed Disclaimer: The content in this blog is for informational purposes only and an opinion for spe...