Bodyweight supported treadmill for stroke patient Credits: |
Stroke Rehabilitation: Any type of stroke therapy is effective even as late as 6 months. It did not matter how expensive the rehab equipment was either. NIH official link
Vitamin D: In the winter, pre-teen girls need more vitamin D in a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommending 750 IU more than the IOC guideline of 600 IUs.
Vitamin D & MS: Neurology journal, studied people from different regions looking at the latitude levels. They found that people with the same age and gender had less occurrences of multiple sclerosis in the sun-belt regions like Australia.
Marijuana: Smoking pot increases likihood of mental illness according to a study at the University of New South Wales.
Obesity & heart disease: A study published in the Lancet journal with the World Health Organization says that the obesity epidemic with a coming heart disease tsunami is no longer only a Western civilization problem. Obesity factbox
Acupunture: This study found that acupuncture was not effective when patients wanted a drug-free natural birth delivery. If you find a recent negative study on chiropractic, send it to me and I will post it also.
Calcium & Vit D in Men: Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that an increase in calcium and vitamin D showed no benefit for older men.
Smoking & Obesity: Americans don't live longer than the French and Japanese because of smoking and to a lesser extent obesity.
Flat feet or Pes Planus: Flat feet is more likely to cause chronic knee pains than high arches or Pes cavus.
Birth Control Pill & Heart Attacks: Latest study contradicts earlier studies concluding that there is no association between the pill and myocardial infarctions in women.
Zinc reduces colds a little: Taking zinc within 24 hours of feeling cold symptoms was found to reduce cold symptoms by only one day.
Pain pills & Reverse placebo effect: Believe that the pain medication does not work actually made them powerless to stop pain.
High Fiber & Longevity: Study finds that high fiber diet lead to decrease in premature deaths like heart disease, cancer and infection in the study of 400k AARP members.
ChiroWorks Care Center
Anthony Tsai, D.C.
Chiropractor in San Jose, CA
Graston Technique Certified
FAKTR-PM Completed
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