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Recent Health News: Migraines, Jumper's Knee, Cholesterol, Hamstring Injuries, Diabetes, Stretching

Migraines & Weight: Girls who get migraines appear more likely than their peers to gain extra weight during adulthood, scientists say. I think many people with chronic pain will gain weight and probably have depression. My guess is that anti-depressants would help also. (sarcasm) Frederik Joelving Article
Shockwave therapy fails in study of 'jumper's knee': "No Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy on Patellar Tendinopathy in Jumping Athletes During the Competitive Season". A therapy that uses sound waves to heal injured tissue may not be much help for athletes with "jumper's knee" -- at least when the treatment is used alone, a new study suggests. Amy Norton Article
Asthma linked to celiac disease: Celiac disease confers a 1.6-fold increased risk of asthma: A nationwide population-based cohort study. People with the digestive disorder known as celiac disease are more likely to develop another disorder involving the immune system: asthma. Alison McCook Article
High good cholesterol linked to long life in men: Men who reach their 85th birthdays tended to have high levels of good cholesterol while in their 60s, a new study says. Leigh Krietsch Boerner Article
Vitamin D may help keep blood sugar under control: Drinking yogurt with extra vitamin D may help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar. Leigh Krietsch Boerner Article
Study questions benefit of home knee electrotherapy: A therapy that delivers low-intensity electrical stimulation to arthritic knee joints may not be an effective way to ease pain and stiffness, a small clinical trial suggests. Amy Norton Article
Study sees no link between vitamin D, diabetes: Low levels of vitamin D don't put older women at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, a large study of U.S. women suggests.
Half of hamstring injuries happen in NFL preseason: The mid-air grabs of wide receivers, the elegant sprints of defensive secondaries, and the gaping kicks of special teams players make them the most vulnerable football players to suffer hamstring strains. And a new study shows more than half of those injuries happen before they ever get to a regular season game. Kerry Grens Article
Man bag fad may lead to back bother: chiropractors: Sporting a weighty man bag may be the latest fashion for fellows but it can cause back pain and poor posture, British chiropractors said this month. Proper ergonomics is important and switching to the other side. Madeleine Cowley Article
Stretches before running have no impact on injury: Stretching before a run does not prevent injury, according to a study. Chronic injury and the runner's weight were more of a factor. My opinion: They are looking for the wrong issue. Of course, stretching alone will not stop all injuries but the BMI factor is interesting. Fran Lowry Article
Extreme flexibility comes with triple migraine risk: People with joint hypermobility syndrome have a greater likelihood of suffering from severe & frequent migraine headaches. My take: joint hypermobility causes more stress to muscles and more joint misalignments like more postural deficiencies. Link to Kerry Grens article

ChiroWorks Care Center
Anthony Tsai, D.C.
Chiropractor in San Jose, CA
Graston Technique Certified
FAKTR-PM Completed

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